An interesting TEDx talk examining h0w – by leveraging massive data stores that can be parsed and used predictively in the same way investors rely on these insights for stocks and interest rates – climate risk can turn into financial opportunity:
The risk profiles of many real estate markets are rapidly increasing globally. Insurers and mortgage brokers are taking note and adjusting their offering based on widely available climate data and predictive analytics. John Macomber suggests that consumers and businesses should be leveraging this data, as well. As impacts of increased flooding, drought, wildfires, and storms are hitting people’s wallets, he points to the opportunities to make smart financial decisions weighing resilience and risk. By leveraging massive data stores that can be parsed and used predictively in the same way investors rely on these insights for stocks and interest rates, climate risk can turn into financial opportunity. And we can make better collective decisions about where to live and what to reinforce, adapt, rebuild, or abandon.