Climate change isn’t just about rising seas and scorching heatwaves; it’s also unleashing a pothole plague on our roads! In 2023, the UK reported nearly 630,000 pothole complaints – a shocking five-year peak. Across the pond, the USA saw a staggering 57% surge in vehicle damages due to potholes compared to 2021. What’s causing this asphalt anarchy? Climate change is a key culprit, assaulting our streets with severe weather and fluctuating temperatures.

The science behind this disruption is startling. Dr. Hassan Davani, an engineering expert, explains that intense heat can buckle roads, leading to cracks and potholes. Floods, another Climate change hallmark, wash away road surfaces. Adding to the turmoil are increased freeze-thaw cycles, which create destructive ice lenses under the road. When these melt, they leave behind the dreaded potholes.

But fear not! There’s hope on the horizon with cutting-edge innovations. For starters, certain regions are adopting pavements designed to endure broader temperature ranges. Gabe Cimini, a pavement engineering expert, points to California’s use of specialized asphalt mixes that can withstand temperatures from 58°C to a chilling -32°C.

And there’s more! Modern Hydrogen, a pioneering climate tech startup backed by Bill Gates, is transforming road repair. By using solid carbon from carbon capture in asphalt, they’re crafting roads that are 250% stiffer, enduring higher temperatures and reducing CO2 emissions. This revolutionary asphalt is already hitting roads in the US and Canada.

Self-healing pavement, or “smart asphalt,” is another game-changer. Imagine roads that can repair themselves! Some newer versions use steel fibers that heat up, melting the mortar to seamlessly mend potholes.

While these innovations promise smoother, more resilient roads in our climate-impacted world, widespread adoption might still be a few years away. So buckle up for a bumpy ride, but remember, smoother streets are on the horizon!