Swiss Re: ‘High Time to Invest in More Climate Adaption’
August 11th, 2023
Via BusinessGreen, commentary that insurers are now seeing the need for more adaptation investment: Severe thunderstorms, earthquakes, extensive flooding, and heatwaves have hit the global insurance [...]
Converting Brown Offices to Green Apartments
August 10th, 2023 A detailed NBER report, that examines the conversion of brown office buildings to green apartments as a means of contributing towards a solution to three pressing issues: oversupply of office in a [...]
August 10th, 2023 A detailed NBER report, that examines the conversion of brown office buildings to green apartments as a means of contributing towards a solution to three pressing issues: oversupply of office in a [...]
This Butterfly-Inspired Paint Could Keep Cars and Houses Cool
August 10th, 2023 Via Fast Company, a look at a nature-inspired cooling technology: Scientists have designed a thin film that mimics a butterfly’s wings to help keep surfaces cool. The vivid blue color of morpho [...]
August 10th, 2023 Via Fast Company, a look at a nature-inspired cooling technology: Scientists have designed a thin film that mimics a butterfly’s wings to help keep surfaces cool. The vivid blue color of morpho [...]
Riding The Heat Wave: Why America’s Hottest City Is Still Booming
August 10th, 2023 Courtesy of The Atlantic, an article on how air conditioning is keeping America’s hottest city still booming: In Phoenix, a high of 108 degrees Fahrenheit now somehow counts as a respite. On [...]
August 10th, 2023 Courtesy of The Atlantic, an article on how air conditioning is keeping America’s hottest city still booming: In Phoenix, a high of 108 degrees Fahrenheit now somehow counts as a respite. On [...]
The Functionality of Green Infrastructure
August 10th, 2023 Via The Waterfront Alliance, a report on green infrastructure: Have you ever walked down the street and noticed a blossoming garden between the curb and sidewalk? You may have thought [...]
August 10th, 2023 Via The Waterfront Alliance, a report on green infrastructure: Have you ever walked down the street and noticed a blossoming garden between the curb and sidewalk? You may have thought [...]
China: An Adaptation Advantage?
August 10th, 2023 Courtesy of The Wire China, a look at China’s efforts to mobilize to adapt and thrive in a rapidly warming world. If it succeeds, the geopolitical consequences will be profound. Is America [...]
August 10th, 2023 Courtesy of The Wire China, a look at China’s efforts to mobilize to adapt and thrive in a rapidly warming world. If it succeeds, the geopolitical consequences will be profound. Is America [...]